Transfer Advisory Board
Transfer Advisory Board
Innovation Hub 13
Our mission:
The "Innovation Hub 13" is a joint project of Technische Hochschule Wildau (Technical University of Applied Sciences Wildau) and Brandenburgische Technische Universität Cottbus-Senftenberg (Brandenburg University of Technology Cottbus-Senftenberg) to promote and foster knowledge transfer and technology transfer between universities, companies and civil society. Since the very beginning of the project in 2018, the Innovation Hub 13 strives to strengthen the region alongside the Federal Motorway 13 (Autobahn A 13) connecting the cities of Berlin and Dresden. Besides their strong efforts in research and teaching, both universities also actively acknowledge and take responsibility for the so-called "Third Mission".
What we can offer you:
- Through support in seeking project collaborations in business and science
- a wide range of interesting players in universities, research institutions and business
- new stimuli for companies and research groups
- access to modern, state-of-the-art technological infrastructure
- By lending assistance with funding applications for joint development projects
- access to interesting events for common networking
- free advice and consultation
Offerings for companies
Offerings for science
The Innovation Hub 13 stands for numerous cases of successful knowledge and technology transfer:
More than
transfer profiles with regard to current technologies
More than
documented use cases
More than
ideas for cooperation projects
Our components for your success:
Transfer scouting
We connect academic know-how with the demands of regional companies. What can we do for you? Please feel free to contact our transfer scouts. More →
Get to know us or your future cooperation partners personally.
Whether on-site or digital, our events are a perfect spot for networking. More →
Innovative solutions distinctly clustered and pooled for you. Discover more than 50 prototypes, technologies, methodologies and algorithms from current research. More →
We are searching for innovative ideas from science. Please feel free to register for participating in the innofab_competition for ideas More →
Do you want to put to the test whether specific technologies are applicable for your specific needs? Please find here more information about our tests beds. More →
In the InnoLabs, new synergies for successful innovation projects are generated so that you can jointly with other regional players master technical challenges. More →
Research at first-hand! Get to know more about newly developed technologies and application on-site at our campus or online. More →
Regional Foresight
How can and could the region alongside the motorway A13 evolve in the medium term and in the long run? We think ahead and develop future scenarios for the region. More →
Please feel free to visit our laboratories and workshops digitally via our virtual tours and discover interesting facts about research and technology. More →
Regional bureaus
Get to know more about the universities’ regional bureaus in the state of Brandenburg. More →
The Innovation Hub 13 stands for a broad network of business, science and further regional players.
More than
contacted multipliers
More than
attended events
More than
contacted companies
More than
contacted research and working groups
Transfer Advisory Board
Why Transfer?
Numerous pioneering inventions traces back to universities and research institutions. But what it needs for an idea to become more than mere theory is the transfer of knowledge and technology. This knowledge and technology transfer is a crucial element in bringing research results and scientific ideas to the market as innovative and practicable products, as it passes and takes knowledge to exactly those settings where it is needed. It is in particular small and medium-sized companies without individual research resources that benefit from the technical infrastructure and the broad network of experts at our universities and research institutions. Thus, it is a win-win-situation for all actors involved.
We offer the "fast track to transfer"
Through the Innovation Hub 13, we create an active link between science and the economy. For this purpose, we dismantle barriers in the communication between actors and agents from various interest groups and enable them to find solutions for regional challenges. In doing so, we speed up the process of transfer. Literally, we fast-track that process and do genuinely create a “fast track to transfer“.
Do you have questions with regard to the above-mentioned topics, or do you need our support and advice?
Our transfer scouts are your contacts for a successful knowledge and technology transfer and will give you helpful advice in implementing your collaboration project.
Transfer Advisory Board
2.1 million residents
10 administrative districts, 2 district-free cities
2 universities
Approx. 7,800 companies
only a few large enterprises
Numerous SMEs, 90 per cent of them with less than 10 employees
The project region at a glance
The Federal Motorway 13 (Autobahn A 13) connects Dresden, the capital of Saxony, with the German capital Berlin. It is exactly at this axis of transport and traffic where our transregional project region is located and reaches out to our future partners. It stretches from Southern Brandenburg to Northern Saxonia. Thus, it appears obvious that, in our assignment for a name, we also considered the Federal Motorway 13 to be part of our project branding – the Innovation Hub 13.
New stimuli for the region
It is also at the peripheries of large cities where the magnetism of a major city becomes tangible. Here, economic development as well as growth of population benefit from the proximity to Berlin and Dresden. But that looks quite differently with regard to other areas of our project region. Some parts are largely characterized by undergoing a massive structural transformation and by having a heterogeneous economic structure. This is the setting where we come into play and address our effort: the Innovation Hub 13 strives to provide new stimuli for the project region and wants to promote the region’s further advancement.
Transfer Advisory Board
Together for the region we are an interdisciplinary Team → at TH Wildau and BTU Cottbus-Senftenberg
TH Wildau
With around 3,700 students, TH Wildau is the largest University of Applied Sciences in the state of Brandenburg. As one of the leading Universities of Applied Sciences in science and research, TH Wildau actively fosters innovation and knowledge and technology transfer. Important areas of expertise are Applied Biosciences, Computer Science/Telematics, Optical Technologies/Photonics, Production and Materials, Transport and Logistics as well as Management and Law.
BTU Cottbus-Senftenberg
With around 7,600 students, BTU Cottbus-Senftenberg is the second-largest university and only technical university in the state of Brandenburg. BTU is focused on the topics of innovation and sustainability. In combination with basic research and application-oriented research, BTU is the venue for the development of globally demanded solutions in the focal sectors of environmental science, energy, materials, production, health as well as information and communication technologies.
We create and establish transfer – together with other partners
For our project and mission, various regional, non-university research institutions give us support. They are enlisted in our project Innovation Hub 13 as partners and contribute to promoting the transfer of knowledge and innovation.
Fraunhofer IAP, research area PYCO
The Fraunhofer Institute for Applied Polymer Research focuses on the exploration and development of polymer applications. At the locations Teltow and Wildau, the research area Polymeric Materials and Composites PYCO develops highly cross-linked polymers for applications across all industries, in particular for transportation technology, information and communication technology as well as equipment technology. Focal points are technical advances for use in lightweight construction and micro- and optoelectronics.
Fraunhofer IMW
The Fraunhofer Centre for International Management and Knowledge-Based Economy (Fraunhofer IMW) in Leipzig is known for applied, socio-technological and socio-economic research and expert knowledge. Scientists at Fraunhofer IMW explore and develop strategies, structures, processes and tools for the transfer of knowledge and technology between organisations, for implementing knowledge into innovation and for understanding and establishing the respective framework.
Leibniz IRS
Scientists at Leibniz Institute for Spatial Social Research e.V. (IRS) in Erkner explore social relevant issues with regard to spatial and social development of cities and regions. Focal points of the different research departments at IRS are directed at core questions in Spatial Social Research: the dynamics of economic regions, institutional transformation, regional public goods, regional dynamics of communication and knowledge, regeneration of municipalities, historical geography and major scientific collections with regard to the construction and planning history of the former German Democratic Republic.
Transfer Advisory Board
Transfer Advisory Board
The Innovation Hub 13 is given support by a Transfer Advisory Board. Its members consist of regionally and transregionally located experts from science, economy, politics and civil society who address relevant questions with regard to transfer and future challenges. The members contribute to the Innovation Hub 13 with their expertise and their perspectives on knowledge and technology transfer and are at the Innovation Hub’s disposal as partners for reflection, inspiration, and ideas. The Transfer Advisory Board meets once a year.
Members of the Council are:
Name | Position | Institution |
Andrea Frank | Programmleiterin Forschung, Transfer und Wissenschaftsdialog | Stifterverband, Berlin |
Olav Wilms | Bereichsleiter Förderbereich Eigenkapital/Gründung | Investitionsbank des Landes Brandenburg |
Susanne Büchting | Abteilungsleiterin Technisches Innovationsmanagement | Produktions- und Betriebsdirektion Rundfunk Berlin-Brandenburg (rbb) |
Frank Rehme | Innovation Counsel | gmvteam GmbH |
Dr. Hans Rüdiger Lange | CEO | Innovationsregion Lausitz GmbH |
René Ebert | CEO | Verband SIBB e.V. Verband der Software-, Informations- und Komunikations-Industrie in Berlin und Brandenburg e.V. |
Sebastian Saule | CEO | Wirtschaftsförderung Land Brandenburg GmbH |
Norman Müller | Projektmanager Innovationsmanagement, Technologie- und Wissenstransfer | Wirtschaftsregion Lausitz GmbH |
Eckard Foltin | Foresightexperte | Foltin Future Consulting |
Mathias Fritsche | Vorstandsvorsitzender | Kjellberg-Stiftung |
Dr. Norbert Pietsch | Stellvertretender Vorsitzender des Landesverbands Berlin Brandenburg und Vorsitzender Bezirksverband Cottbus | Deutscher Verband für Schweißen und verwandte Verfahren e.V. |
Prof. Dr. Dirk Roggenbuck | CEO | GA Generic Assays GmbH |
Prof. Dr. Martin G. Möhrle | Direktor des Instituts für Projektmanagement und Innovation | Universität Bremen |
Dr. Björn Wolf | Leiter Technologietransfer und Innovation | Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf |
Prof. Dr. Michael Schäfer | Initiator des HRW FabLab und Professor für technische Informatik der Hochschule Ruhr West | Hochschule Ruhr West Institut Informatik |
Do you have questions, suggestions, ideas or specific projects? We are looking forward to talking to you!
Technical University of Applied Sciences Wildau
Brandenburg Technical University Cottbus-Senftenberg
The "Innovation Hub 13 - Fast Track to Transfer" of the Technical University of Wildau and the Brandenburg Technical University of Cottbus-Senftenberg is one of the 29 selected winners of the federal government funding initiative "Innovative College", equipped with funds of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research BMBF And the state of Brandenburg. Further information can be found at www.innovative-hochschule.de